Our Extended Stay Training program is an optional training program for our puppies after they complete their first eight weeks of life with us. The program spans anywhere from two weeks to two or three months or more (beyond the first eight weeks of life of the puppy) depending on the preferences of the owner. Enrolled puppies generally begin the program the Monday after the weekend of the normally-scheduled pick-up for the litter (at approximately eight weeks of age).

Extended Stay Training Curriculum:

This program includes:
– a minimum of six obedience training sessions per week
– thirty minutes to four hours of crate training six times a week, depending on various factors
– lessons in the basic commands based on the CGC (Canine Good Citizen) AKC program (e.g. heel, sit, etc.),
– good manners (e.g. not jumping), and
– other basic skills (e.g. begin house-breaking and use of a doggy-door).

We also continue socialization (with strangers and children, other dogs, cats, unusual sounds and experiences, etc.) throughout the puppy’s stay with us, recognizing that, after the first eight weeks of life, the next period of life is the most important window for continued work on adaptability, good manners, and the fostering of an even, easy-going, friendly temperament.

The puppy enjoys the rhythm of a well-ordered day with time to play and exercise with other dogs and people in our spacious fenced yards, opportunities to learn, and time for rest.

Additional rounds of puppy vaccinations are included if the puppy remains with us long enough to be ready for these further vaccinations.

For more information, please click here.

Limited space

Due to our limited capacity for “students” (three or four) for any given time period, we encourage owners to request enrollment of their puppies as soon as possible to ensure that they have a place in the program.

For more information, please click here.

Puppy Boarding

For those owners who, due to previous commitments, cannot pick-up their puppy at the scheduled pick-up time, we also offer the option of puppy boarding, which includes:
– basic care,
– ongoing socialization,
– continued house-breaking skills through use of a dog door,
– and the basic commands of “sit” and “wait.”

If the puppy remains with us for three to four weeks of boarding, we will provide an additional round of puppy vaccination, and a further round if the puppy stays for another three to four weeks.

For more information, please click here.

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