The Norbertine Canonesses of the Bethlehem Priory of St. Joseph are a Roman Catholic community of cloistered religious nuns, the first community of Norbertine Canonesses in the United States. Living a cloistered contemplative life of prayer and sacrifice following the Rule of St. Augustine, Norbertine Canonesses strive to continue the 900 year tradition begun by St. Norbert: to build up a community united in divine charity, with “one heart and one soul seeking God.” (Acts 4:32)

“Let us love God above all things, dearest sisters, then our neighbor; for these are the chief commandments given to us.”
Rule of St. Augustine

The ancient tradition of Norbertine Canonesses is the solemn and reverential celebration of the Sacred Liturgy, the prayer of the Church, in which all the needs of the world are brought before the Triune God, Who is praised, adored, and glorified. From the Order’s beginning, this prayer has overflowed from the choir into the external works of the arts and study, hospitality to the poor, to guests and pilgrims, as well as agricultural and domestic duties.

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